Creator of the Construct

What data is being transferred evenly? Balance; even, being one dimensional, Balance being 2 dimensional, at least, Awareness, Hold to the center, balance, realignment, outer stimulus, Right or wrong way to go, describing the indescribable, Putting it in a box, move the box, open the box, Free to not need to describe, what am I looking for? Instructions, formless, dissolving the form, trance, What perception is being used to obtain, Let go, God, all at once, everywhere, Outside of space & time, Enjoying the conceptual travel, Through what it means to be Lost & to not understand, Description of negative habits, how does that help? Create a problem to have something to solve, Who I am, what life is, where the world is, Rules & regulations, ritual, don't judge it yet, Discern what I want, compare & contrast, Compare & compete, social interaction, Numbers, a void, count the infinite, Take credit for eternity, value, loss or gain, Within or without, integrated to a degree, Both at the same time, 2 sides of the same coin, Create a world by the word itself, Should, could, would, supposed to, Continue in the middle of the present moment.

Left, right, up, or down, Hold onto what is truly real... let it go, Realign with the new form, take a chance, A calculated risk, Knowing you don't know the next step on this Path, Distractions only helping for a deeper sense of peace, Trust in the natural process... so, create nothing, Everything is at once universal, Descriptions are dangerous, they lead to thought forms, The essence being in descriptive, opens all doors & locks out doubt.