Eternal View

The overall plan of the universe from an eternal view. What direction? Here & now; moving forward. What’s next? Trusting in what is currently happening. Trusting in the future. Patience as time moves forward. However things are; it will be okay. I need to trust this.

Love, friendship, kindness, & a caring nature. Encouraging within good conversation while feeling comfortable. Consistently being a good man; finding ways to enjoy each moment. Thinking of what my priorities are; just thoughts. I can do this. Affirm the life I want; affirm the life I have now. New thoughts equal new experiences in life. What new thoughts do I want to have? God, the universe, & the source of all things works through me. I can co-create with God.

Her kindness & understanding embraces my heart. Not knowing where this is going; an end or a start. Dare I say I’m dedicated to such beauty? Life continues with what is & what I see. New thoughts lead to new experiences. I want to do my best with all of this. Hope, trust, & faith; so I do what I can. A destiny, the Big Picture, & a universal plan. The skills of a craft; the unknown end. As for now we are good friends. Content with the present moment to be satisfied. Holding back with information; I guess I lied. So, I move from here, one step at a time. With a quiet awareness, I’ll utilize my mind.

Past repetitive ways of thinking. Only until I chose to let it go. I don’t feel it was up to me fix it, I started observing thoughts & feelings, Letting each one go.