Connecting the Truth

I’ll ask the Divine to guide; as to sit back & enjoy the ride. Know myself in a way to live; common traits between what we all give. Insightful living is now in view; from inside my being I know what to do. Imagine the youthful perspective so alive; eternal path to explore & to arrive. Into what is now & changes more; the form, in time, & memories to store. I ask for this kind of bliss; navigating twists & turns of that or this. Sincerely, I reach out with hope; roaming tides, move carefully so I can float.

To once again give this a try; connecting the truth about you & I. Love, yes, the many forms throughout; exploring the mystery of what Life is about. I need faith at times to know; I put out words & rhymes to show. My attempt to express this emotion, from my mind’s form of a notion. This season of change to grow; kindness & understanding, seeds to sow. Harvest the experiences now lived; accepting circumstances of what is. To acknowledge what is truly important; the need shows the purity wanted.

In quiet stillness my mind can rest; no fast racing thoughts, no longer a test. All that is, is what just is; simplified moment; not even a quiz. This undivided silence waits patiently; a break from life’s routine for me. Truly take time & quiet the mind; it’s amazing the peace you will find. A world known, yet so often lost; society & culture screams for a cost. As for me, I’ll stand back; the confusing noises I will lack. While observing a fine tuned experience; the world come alive with all of this.