Disordered Contentment
Deeper dive, to what’s inside, within &
around, fortress to compound. Interest
& powerful things, what life brings, or
how she sings. Surfacing now, back
down, into what I hide, comfortable
ride to decide to conceal, to not feel, &
deal. With so much that doesn’t exist.
The memories, or worries, deserving
then swerving, straight path around the
corner, but wait, there was a blur of
her. Rise above? Think of love? Let
wisdom speak. To seek nothing more,
if patience is thought of as a bore. It
just is, regardless of your critique, this
unique feeling, stealing soul, & putting
more in a bowl. Let go, chill out, what
I know it is about. Just music & words,
& of course it is deserved. 3 Items to
show completed. Plenty of time & not
depleted. Maybe I’ll try again to look
within, I avoid it too often & try to
hide. From who I am or the feelings I
hold, break the mold, & what’s for sale
is sold. It’s okay, now is today, & I
have no more to say. Yet, I want to
continue for the enjoyment, fulfillment,
& concealment of what I can reveal,
steal, & return in different form.
Dissolving into the cause of falling.
Stand strong, humbly back down, keep
calm, & go back into town. The point
of bringing up the past doesn’t last, it
only shows a fear of experiencing the
present moment, so own it. Make notes
about it, to stretch, to reach out, & to
fetch the whisper that was a shout. It is
who I am, for better or worse, forward
or back, overflow or lack. I’ll continue
to move in a forward motion, while
standing still on a notion. Magic
potion, my favorite fuel, the fact I
knew you, & what more can I do?
Therapeutic verse, for myself to
discern, the money I don’t earn, yet
somehow, maybe, just maybe I’ll learn.
Being normal is a relative perception.
It would be easy to fit in, except for
sacrificing the freedom of a dreamer.
Believe her? Identify & define what is
hazy to the blind. I apologize if I push
away, I’m trying to open to display,
emotions, thoughts, & everything
between. The unseen sights, taking to
new heights. Good enough, if to not
want more stuff; below average, is a
savage concept, putting down, raising
up, coming around, wait a minute. I
thought this was a note, non-required
vote, & not a way to devote. The time
& life, rhymes so slight, for tonight &
tomorrow, all I’ve taken, or could I say
borrowed? I guess that is enough, time
to move into the real world, wave
goodbye, & not say anymore.