
Finding the underlying root of why something is happening. Strengthening my awareness of unconditional love in life. Saying “No” is included as unconditional love. All situations, good or bad, offer a gift, or an opportunity to grow, understand, or learn. Being honest with myself & others, so I know & they know how to interact. Grounding with the present moment or saying the Serenity Prayer. Being confident in myself & the life I live, as to interact with others in the same way. Intuitively know when to make a change, even if life has shown no change in that area for many years. A generalized or a specific strategy. History will repeat itself without changes that are transformed into new constants. Where are the Boundaries? When something is unconditional, I feel integrity & morals can still be a part of interaction without condition. Is the unified truth shown in quantum physics & spirituality, relevant to life in the current dimension of reality? Higher levels of consciousness may transcend the ego & all we know to be true living in a 3-dimensional world within time. Possibly the higher realms can be a part of the basic building blocks of reality. In a way to be channeled or integrated, or in no way separated from what we see. The illusion of what are sense perceptions recognize without lifting the veil of truth.