If to Realize

What if it is all around me, but I don’t see it? If to choose to live by despair & hurt; when I’ve been healed & knew of hope all along. I know it is with me & surrounds me. The lower & higher frequencies. What do I tune into? If to give myself & others compassion & understanding. If to not jump to conclusions about others & falsely blame the innocent; which we all are. If to keep my heart open to optimism & to the grace of unconditional love. If to pick up my mat & walk; sinning no more & placing the treasure within my heart in heaven. If to build on a rock & recognize shifting sand. If to recognize it cannot be created or destroyed; merely energy changing form. If to only hope for the best for everyone, including myself. If only to view my loved ones as all people. I could. I have a choice & options. I can realize the blessing of this environment & time.