Not Possible to Say
Just the glance of a reality, perception,
transcending by the thoughts we buy
into. As the eyes blink, the new being
arrives. Center point, awakening to
another shift, through scattered
thoughts, settling into the depth,
clearing the vision. Pick up where I left
off? Put on a persona? This act varies
to become anything. In the moment,
the rules require structure, pulled from
a universal extension. Within contact
of reality, tuning into frequencies,
unseen, unheard, received &
interpreted. Please clarify; please
define to categorize, to point in a
direction. Zen used & acquired, yet
discipline in exploration, a path, with
speed limits & noted traffic signs.
Divine interpretation, yet no longer
with the taste of what I experienced. I
know I don't understand. It becomes a
problem; secret solutions cannot be
kept. Earning the ability to build upon
what is polarity in contentment. Unify
the human traits of living, yet,
individualize to compete, to keep alive,
the drama, the act, the life, & the
reason. Blended or separate, to forget
who we all truly are. Please wake up,
the dream is nice, yet a truthful balance
is the game. Risk & respect; definition
& removal of obstructions. This road,
oncoming & outgoing, left side &
right, thank you for your traveling style
on this interesting journey. Not yet; yet
comprehensible. Glitch. A to B, to be
seen. What to do; outside merging,
sparks of blue light, a good sign, stop.
Tune. 90 degrees / angle? Quantified as
of now, dissolved as of before, offers
& sequences. Well timed non-sense for
a purpose. Destined to distract.
Dropped thoughts without using smoke
& mirrors.