My Age
Numbers in binary bits, simulated
situation, converged & merged, into a
pixel cluster, hold the mustard, drop it &
hop over the robot, lost, found, the cost,
or beyond the bound, forward costs a
quarter, time & money, kind of funny,
you all can drive with road rage, I know
my age, muffled sound while eating
Ruffles & truffles, & so it is, this quiz, to
take the form of clarity & look for
sincerity, why not break it down? the
ground beneath your feet, oh, how neat,
& tidy, maybe just slightly... I have
entered the portal, the gate, into this
world, the good thing is the truth of it. A
signal sent to me, you are out there, & I
realize the illusion of what I am
experiencing. I know the truth about the
time structure, yet I balance this, to live.