Horizon Rising
This tunneled vision, strapped to the
ground, eyes into the vast sky, darkness
& stars, elevation of said level of
consciousness, for an escape, beyond
clouds & song lyrics, inclusive to
pretending I'm not hurting, apologies &
words written in unbelief that pride will
not allow us to have what was so normal
a week ago, God help me, what I thought
I did was for the best, help me to find the
miracle happening here, & heed my own
advice of letting go, all too easy to say &
all the more difficult to extract & remove
a fundamental part of who I am. A stance
of peace, to decrease drama & increase
silence, compliance, defiance, or another
way to raise the level to play, to say
unspeakable sounds through speakers, in
sneakers, a position, this horizon rising,
ozone known.