It's Going Nicely

The legs, tables turned, blurt the stream of thoughts, selected to perfect it. I'm back to turn around, they call me on the phone occasionally, crazy conversation to dilute the peaceful music from flutes, oh how cute, new shoes no longer blue, you can laugh if you want to, 2 too, zero 2 one, between somewhere, can you guess what this nonsense is? what do you want from me? I'll help if I wasn't consumed in my own life. I would reach out if I had a spine for courage, stand-up comedy, uh... With complete gratitude, trust, & faith, there can be no problems: look to the Big Picture Uh, when a solitary solution actually makes sense, too tense & 2 cents to rub together, laughing at me to be seen, redeem or go clean. Confession of doubt, to re-route about you & the many ways it’s going nicely.