Dimensional Arrays
The ultimate question, so, I'll give you a
suggestion... only you can know, & I
won't deprive you from thinking for
yourself... for some reason, I can clear
the roadblock, keep an eye on the clock,
& visualize a lake with a dock... so many
memories, surfacing as they should, & I
could, wonder how I can no longer say,
"Hi"... but that is for another day, another
reality, & multiple dimensional arrays...
chemically, the point is here, material
substance, makes the air clear... until I
spark up some smoke, to cope with the
mirrors of an all too old magic show...
yea, I might as well, so it will be
absolutely clear in what they tell, for my
benefit & wellbeing, for beyond seeing...
more like a feeling that I know, there is
something in the air, I do care, & I'm
well prepared... could this stop?