The Holy Spirit can correct my thought
forms; yet how many are out there? Don't
tell me, I'm sure it is an infinite amount...
yet, reaping what I sow, I have no choice
but to want the seeds to be based on
Divine Love... of course I have free will,
it is what separates, but when I want to
feel connected to an unconditional form
of God, it is best that I give up my
choice, & be led to, or be transformed
into a perception where consistency is a
blessing, a miracle, & the answer to all
that I've been wondering about. The new
everywhere... sixty, pastries, a dream it
seems is what inspires you... welcome to
the act; the city won't make it; divide the
production cost; revealed & revived...
let's hear the answer, lets transcend our 5
senses, not worth it... philosophy,
psychology, ego, mind made stories.