Landscapes of life, just for giggles, so I
went there. time to go back now, sorry, it
will progress to the left as I can tell,
jittery fingers forging & guiding the data
to be displayed & interpreted at the right
moment. a gift, a rift, rotating & sliced
from the skies, heavens above for the
astrological maps to coordinate such an
event. focus so you can gradually let go
of all things pure in subjective material.
any reason, why not? Descending down
into darkness, pitch black for the way
back. Against the wall, to stall, wait
patient, & create the next moment. Not to
react to the fact of karmic dilemmas,
gracefully condemning the opposites.
Rising into a new encompassing fact,
impulsive timing, gradually twisting the
rope. Plasma & this sort of disgust,
within the split mind of perception.