So easily confused in the human mind.
Yes, Love Eternal, with its faces of
interpretation. This is how the paradox
rules in chaotic order. This is where
trusting in what all of this is, finds
importance. A blend of cherishing the
sacred, which will never change. As well,
how not being attached to a certain
outcome gives a freeing form of
gratitude. Each one of us arriving, then
hiding, into the ever changing
experiences we have. Is it for as long as
we both shall live when the context is
that Life is forever? An intricate web of
synchronized events, a revealing of one’s
true character. Not yet; yet
comprehensible. glitch. A to B, be seen,
C to D, what to do, outside merging,
sparks of blue light, a good sign, stop.
Tune. 90 degrees / angle? quantified as of
now, dissolved as of before, offers &