A Focused Daze

Into the unknown realms of bring situations into form, normal in extraordinary ways, channeling the vibe, the nervous lies, & the way I can only ride the wave of life. Potential electrons, solid in knowing, leap of faith within a place to begin. The less room you give me, the more room I have, she said, I can recite it from in my head. Who wants the path out of the maze? Honestly, I’d rather be in a focused daze, to protect myself from lower frequency entities, meditating for when the contemplating starts, I can renounce all I think I have to say, display, & be ashamed it was written in the first place. Don’t worry though, the vault in the sky is full, & I’m the only one with the identification, key, & passcode. Opening from the soul, bursting with fruity flavor, so I might as well keep going.