Other Pathways
I'll offer love, yet you may not accept, a
noble precept. But I can try, before we
both die. Life is precious as I see it, so
why not just relax & be it? Through the
eyes of this cyclone, a storm that never
was, yet is, & never will be. A weather
pattern stilled & moving in all directions.
The mental landscape may be mapped, so
I've been warned. Yet the key to a riddle,
may be in the middle. A painful truth,
healed, by a knowing it never existed &
can expand toward this form of
consciousness. While I catch the breath
of many other pathways, I push forward,
with vision, & without a protective shell.
Energy can be in flux, although the
current situation is arrayed with
hallucinations & confusion. Not of mine,
for I am in the calm I know, & I rest.
Something doesn’t feel right, as I write