Protect Your Individuality
The feeling of independence, uniqueness,
& expertise on what is right for you, will
be the only guide you will want. I’m
writing this for myself, to help remind
me of how much I have the wisdom to
know what is best for me. If this concept
speaks to you as well, then, I would like
to share it. If you are looking to this for
answers to what you should do, or how to
live your life, then please don’t read it. I
would prefer you write your own version,
to discover the answers you are looking
for, by exploring your life & your
individual experience. It would be an
insult to you to have it any other way. If
anyone, & I mean anyone, (family,
friends, acquaintances, or strangers) ever
implies to you that you don’t know
what’s best; in my opinion, they are not
worth listening to.