Comprehensive Distraction
It becomes a problem; secret solutions
cannot be kept. Earning the ability to
build upon what is polarity in
contentment. Unify the human traits of
living, yet, individualize to compete, to
keep alive, the drama, the act, the life, the
reason. Blend or separate, to forget who
we all truly are. Please wake up, the
dream is nice, yet a truthful balance is the
game. Risk & respect; definition &
removal of obstructions. This road,
incoming & outgoing, left side & right,
thank you for your traveling style on this
interesting journey. Not yet; yet
comprehensible. Glitch. A to B, to be
seen. What to do; outside merging,
sparks of blue light, a good sign, stop.
Tune. 90 degrees / angle? Quantified as
of now, dissolved as of before, offers &
sequences. Well timed non-sense for a