A Marriage Made in Heaven

He sat down & began to tell a story...

“I’m waiting to get married. I’m waiting until I arrive in Heaven. Jesus will marry me to my soulmate. She is beautiful, kind, intelligent, & understanding; all the characteristics of love, for she is love. We will then live in eternity together. Only peace & joy will guide our adventures. For our honeymoon, we will explore the Infinite Universe.”

We listened to him explain how his life would be so much better in Heaven. Yet, we knew he was missing something; not realizing the life he was given here now on Earth. It was a nice thought, but what kind of risk was involved? We all want good things to happen, yet isn’t this all possible here during this life?

He sat with eyes gazed at the ground; not knowing what was real or imagined. Was it a life wasted? A dreamer, trying to make sense of the world he lived in & the infinite he believed in. A tear streamed from his eye.

Not knowing his future or what he was thinking about. We just said a prayer & story time concluded.