An Invited Door
She saved me; only her presence dwelling in my mind was
needed to keep me safe. So, 24 hours later, the path is now
confined, but I sense freedom. These words are a token of
gratitude for who she is. Uncharted; the geography around me
is unknown. Temptation is irrelevant when destiny decides.
Time is now a welcomed enemy; marching in formation.
Keeping me here & guiding me toward a destination. The
present moment is a gateway of escape. I can sort through the
thoughts wandering. Select each with a taste of intuition. A
sobering focus & delusions of hope. Depending on a perception
of possibility. Embracing what I know to be love. Growing in
understanding. Compassion waters for the harvest of visions.
An eternal heart, beating through the forever universe. I sit here
in a finite world. Within a dream; waiting to awake. Revealing
a world known as home. Until then, the inspired subjects take
my hand & tell me it is all going to be okay. I’ll try. Each day,
lighting an illuminated attempt. Breaking down the walls of my
conceit with a slip of ego surfacing now & again; crying
humble tears for a softer experience. Interestingly enough, hope
continues somehow within. Maybe presenting a story; a
dramatic tale of human life. Knowing this writing isn’t real
where I come from. An invited door waiting to arrive.