Ice Cream
What do I truly know, with what life currently shows? Hopes of
good things happening today; a vulnerable trust leads the way.
Confidence to move within the flow; intuitively following the
way I shall go. Approaching with kindness to understand.
Respecting your wish, as a man. I now appreciate the
possibility, the dream, & the unknown. It helps me to recognize
progress in how I’ve grown. Allowing the divine plan to make
the decision; so I’ll be open to what is best, even in revision. To
admit I don’t always know what’s best. Yet, with God as my
Shepherd, I will be able to rest. So I sit here tonight & process
my thinking; sip after sip of the coffee I’m drinking. Am I
getting lost in an illusion of want? If that is the case, I’ll put
clarity in front. Who am I kidding, I have no clue what I’m
doing. It seemed like a good idea at first with what I’m
pursuing. Overthinking destroys what could be. Luckily, at the
moment it is between me & me. Ironically, the manifest
momentum has arrived here nicely. I’ve regained my sanity &
will continue precisely. Too late or too soon, I’m not quite sure.
A paradox of creation will open the door. Situation not yet
lived, until the words are spoken. Overdramatic, or is there a
chance my heart will be broken? This is life, please use caution;
to keep in mind the love it cost him.