A Choice for Hope

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” - Albert Einstein

There is a funny way humans have a negativity bias, yet want good things to happen in their lives. Of course, this is true for me as well. I observed this in my thinking today & want to make a choice of hopeful & optimistic views. When I watched the pessimistic news reports, I believed more in the news story than the way I want my life to be. Today, I’m making it a priority to consistently reach for good feeling thoughts about my life, this world, & others. I was taking this all to an extreme, while worrying about how the planet is heading toward a dystopian future. The future is unknown, so if I have a choice of how I want to think about what will happen in time, I want to be optimistic. This applies daily, with wanting improvement rather than situations getting worse. If others think I’m being naive for not believing the news stories, then that’s okay. Yet, when listening to either a demon or an angel, I want to be able to have the confidence & courage to believe the angel & not be deceived by a demon. I find it ironic when someone calls themselves religious, yet worship the false god of worry & discouragement. We are all trying our best; including myself.