Disclaimer: Before reading this, know that I am addressing the
reality of Life & Death. It happens to us all, yet from my
experience, some aren’t ready to accept & be prepared for what
these events that we all experience truly mean.
So here we go... Are you ready to live Life to the fullest each
day? Are you ready to accept the mortality that one day we all
will experience death? If this writing had a thesis, it would be,
“There is a Sacred Balance, of living Life to the fullest & being
prepared for the inevitable day we die.” Today, I had a glimpse
of being in the center of the two views. I felt a balance between
wanting to make the most of today & each day moving into the
future. Yet, knowing there will be a day where my life that I
know of currently will end. If you don’t believe me, just look at
a cemetery. This brief notion is not meant to be morbid, but
rather to acknowledge there is a way to fully experience ANY
aspect of life or death, with faith it all happens for good reason.
I can’t speak for those who read this, but personally I believe in
a form of Eternal Life. My favorite theory is that I will awake
from the dream of this life on the day I die, & peacefully
transition forward. I hope this idea is a healthy & balanced
approach to the reality we are in, which will lead to Peace.