The Words of Request
I’ve been observing the human condition, & how at different
times we focus on what we do not want, rather than what we
want to happen. Is it possible that the Divine Intelligence’s
answer to what we want is always, “Yes”? It may seem like
being over-critical of the choice of words, yet I’m exploring
this anyway. I could ask for “No More Poverty”, or I could ask
for, “An Increase of Abundance”. Is there a difference in the
approach to living the life we want to live? I feel that even the
word, “Want”, may put distance between what is our
experience & what could be our experience. So, let’s take this a
step further. A want is saying we don’t have it now, but aren’t
we living in the Eternal Now? If so, it is all happening & will
happen in this Present Moment. Maybe this is flawed theory, or
too esoteric, but what if? I like to think on a Soul Level, we
have infinite potential within us. In other words, we already
have what we want within our Inner Being. It is only a matter of
alignment with Divine Intelligence, to rearrange the situations
& experience for it to arrive in our lives. Hopefully, this is
helpful & accurate. Maybe, this could help make the changes
we all want. To have the courage & discipline to be mindful of
the words we are using & the perception of what we “want”, we
already “are.”