Navigating Eternal Life
How do I navigate Life’s Game? Sometimes different,
sometimes all the same. Waking up from dream to dream, What
it may or may not seem. Traveling through a portal of the
Eternal Now. Sometimes I actually know how. Other times it is
a mystery to explore, Opening to travel in the next opened door.
Universe, please tell me when; Strategically create it with paper
& pen. Continuous adventure; safe & peaceful playground,
Head in the clouds, feet on the ground. Imagining the unknown
to define as I see fit, Labeling a situation for a bit. Visualize the
goodness I can’t comprehend. Until I realize there is no end. As
above, so below; on Earth as in Heaven, as we all know. Mere
words for the same thing, metaphoric phrase pointing to our
inner being. Blank canvas, blank page; actors & actresses on a
stage. Enter the drama or the comedy of the story; with a happy
ending, so don’t worry. Relax & chill, whether we will not, or
we will. Continue to navigate, & meditate on the number eight.
Routine may be required, yet the first step, & one thousand
miles. Nothing to regret, only Love without condition. It is what
everything is made of in every situation. When thoughts of fear
appear, I’ll realize the illusion is not real. Resilient bounce,
forward in movement, or is it geometrically congruent? One
moment, one day, one year; equipped with the necessary gear.