Magic Show
Is something about to happen? As the audience starts cheering
& clappin’. I gaze from the crowd onto the stage, As she begins
the presentation of a mage. Revealing the mysterious truth as
magical, While wisdom & love seems so graceful. Doves fly
from unknown sources, Symbolizing the peace of what the
course is. The conversion isn’t alchemy, but a trick of the eye
for all to see. A slight of hand & misdirection, perfectly
portrayed without correction. We wonder how it’s done, while
some just enjoy the fun. Some are scared & worried, bringing
eternal life to those buried. Under the pressure of anxiety, she
frees them from society. If not temporarily giving hope; to
those who are trying to cope. When the show is almost over, we
all have the luck of a four leaf clover. Meant to be for all to see,
this night has been part of our destiny. The crowd exits the
theater, while some of them fear her. The love is pure & full of
beauty, personally I’m impressed by this cutie. For me, it
reveals hope & faith, in something more than what is safe.
Innocence of a child, believing in wonder, accepting the fact I
know longer ponder. Questions dissolve, the vibe now blends,
All this revealed as the show ends. What solutions can be
found, if to realize the gravity & ground? Where does the magic
go? As we follow the stream & the flow.