It Matters
Each word & action we take throughout the course of our day to
day life matters. As well, everyone, including you who are
reading this, & myself who is writing this, matters. For me, this
encourages, to do the best I can, to improve the lives of others,
& the world I live in. Intuitively, we know when something is
based on love or fear. The unconditional love, grace, & all
around good vibes can & will radiate out from each of us, if we
allow them. Like a stone thrown in a still pond, the water is
affected by the stone & causes a result. I know I’ve made some
mistakes & still will in the future. The more resilient I am to get
back into a higher level of positive consciousness, the better
experience it will be for myself & all others. Encouraging to
forgive mistakes, when things seem to be going in the wrong
direction. I may be sad or even angry at times, but the first sight
of what I can do to turn it around is worth the effort to pursue.
What I’m pointing at is it is never too late to affect the world &
others in miraculous ways. “A Course in Miracles” says that a
change in perception, from fear to love, causes a miracle. There
are many theories to explore, such as the Butterfly Effect, & the
Chaos Theory. Without getting too complicated, all we need to
do is a bit kinder each day. Kindness shown to ourselves &
others may be all that is needed for the life we dream of living.