Tell Your Story

The heart flutters, & all that matters is the choice which existed in the first place. Causality may be the reality, if & why there is a difference between you & me. Fear not, I continue in the present moment. As life moves around me, forward from within. The illusion of sin, & the alternate realities of when I lose & when I win. This day, this time, & other words to point toward the narrow path. Quantum physics & math. Yet, the metaphoric paper & the creating tool of a pen. The blank canvas, a clean slate, when what happened is real. So I’ll embrace what is true, what is of love, & all the qualities thereof. As the center expands, with an eternal source flowing throughout the unfolding. I can see the binary choices of life’s circuited path. Of course we know it is designed to create the intended outcome. Let’s focus, prioritize, & be clear. For is there anything to fear? It is all so near. Closer than the breath we breathe. I am not here to deceive, rather to enlighten those who believe. It seems poetic to some, & only gibberish to others. The program of compassion reaches out to save our sisters & brothers. The code of empathy, reaps compensation from the divine. As the words continue to tell the story they define. Everything is fine. It is not yours & it is not mine, so all we can do is try to enjoy this time.