Importance of Gratitude
As I interact with people today, I’m noticing the troubles they
have, or the joyful attitude others may have. I feel gratitude &
being thankful for everything is the key to having an enjoyable
life. At times I find myself slipping into a negative attitude of
complaint. I realize it is time to step back, check in with myself,
& know my day can be so much better if I look to what is going
right. I think focusing on what I want, rather than what I don’t
want, is a good psychological skill to practice. What I did today
was to journal a list of all the things that are going right in my
life. It shifts the view & almost magically helps to be grateful &
to enjoy all the blessings. We all in some way have something
to be thankful for. It could be a harsh truth, yet is it a
self-prophecy with our words & thoughts? Do the people who
always focus on complaining, get exactly what they are
focusing on? As well, the good news is we can always focus on
what we want, be grateful for each moment, & live each day to
the fullest. This is why I feel gratitude is important. We all have
good moments & bad moments. We are perfectly imperfect. For
the most part, I believe we all do what we think & feel is the
best thing to do in any given moment. Whether that is described
as a positive or negative action, is up to the level of
consciousness a person has at the time.