Plans for a Lifetime
For some reason, I can’t remember not being alive. There are a
few other theories of all this, besides the traditional “one life,
then Heaven or Hell for Eternity” thought. Shakespeare said,
“All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely
players: they have their exits and their entrances”. I think it
would be fun if we are all just playing roles in this lifetime, to
maybe learn something, to grow, or to simply experience. As
well, what if at the end of this lifetime, the curtain is drawn, &
we all have a good laugh about the interactions; realizing it is
all merely Love. I do think there is a Creator of it all that is only
Love, who was never born & never dies. If we are created in his
image, doesn’t that mean we were never born & never die?
Eternity is forever & ever. Do I really want to only experience
one adventure within being lost in time & space? Continuing
after this life is the, “Afterlife”, which could be our. “next life”.
For me, I like to think there is a celebration of our adventure on
Earth after this. Then we plan our next Life, what we want to
experience, how we want to grow, & what we want to learn. It’s
fun to think about sometimes; taking the pressure off of
"earning Eternity" & just letting the enjoyment of life continue.
A Destined Plan for our Life can be one of the mysteries we
have the challenge & blessing to experience.