Biblical Scripture Journal

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” – Matthew 6:33

I’m finding with a fear of the Lord (a healthy respect for God) I want to spend more time in the Bible, more time in prayer, & to try to be as humble as possible with my interactions while in this world. Does this mean to deny this world completely, or rather to deny all the things that prevent me from following Jesus? I tend to think in extremes. Maybe God has a plan from my lifespan while I’m here on Earth. Maybe there is a good reason I’m alive. By Grace I am saved, yet what can I do to honor all that God has done for me in regard to my eternal salvation?

We are all unique in the gifts given from the Lord, & what kind of life story we have. As Paul wrote, I want to run the race designed for me. The Biblical heroes of Faith have many different ways of living life. From the prophets, the kings, the disciples, & many other examples, we can see there is not a cookie-cutter way of living for God. Maybe there isn’t a way to pay back the free gift of Grace. Maybe the way I live my life is a good indication of how thankful I am to Jesus, or how much I’m putting myself on the throne (which can’t be done).

God gives & God takes away. As me being the clay that the Creator is molding, do I have a say in what is happening on an eternal scale? I heard once the metaphoric question of if Spiderman could understand the thoughts & situations that Stan Lee would create for him. Honestly, I feel a bit scattered. Hopefully, I’ll get better at writing what is true in my life, compared to the eternal picture of Life, death, worldly living, or forever in Heaven. I’ll conclude this for now.